Friday, March 15, 2013

Dad's World Famous Black Bottom Bourbon Pie

This one is a crowd stopper, folks. It's definitely a grown-up dessert! I'm not usually a pie person, but this one should win over the most pie-loathing person you know... as long as they like bourbon. It's my dad's recipe, and it may just be the reason my parents are going into their 28th year of marriage...

- 30 gingersnaps, pulverized
- 6 Tbsp butter, melted
- 2 c milk, scalding hot
- 4 egg yolks
- 1 1/2 Tbsp cornstarch
- 1/3 c sugar
- 1 square unsweetened chocolate, cut into small pieces (I shave them with a knife)
- 1 Tbsp gelatin
- 2 Tbsp hot water
- 4 egg whites
- 1/3 c sugar
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
- 3 Tbsp bourbon whiskey
- Optional: whipped cream, preferably homemade
- 1 bar of nice, dark chocolate (got to go with Lindor or 60% cocoa Ghirardelli)

1. Preheat the oven to 450. 

2. Combine the gingersnaps and butter in a bowl. Place in a 9'' pie pan. Cover the bottom of the pan with the mixture. 

3. Bake for 10 minutes, removing it when it is "dangerously close to burnt."  Set aside and let cool. 

4. Place the milk in the top of a double boiler. Add the egg yolks one at a time, beating them in each time. 

5. Combine the cornstarch and sugar together. Add them to the milk mixture. 

6. Cook mixture in the double boiler for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally for the first 10 minutes, then continuously for the remainder. Cook until it's thick enough to a coat a spoon. 

7. Take out 1 cup of the custard, and add the chocolate. Beat well and set aside until it cools a bit. Cover the baked gingersnap crust with the chocolate custard. Set aside.

8. Dissolve the gelatin in the hot water. Add to the remaining custard. Mix and allow to cool.

9. Beat the egg whites until their peaks hold their shape. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and cream of tartar and then add them to the egg whites. Add the bourbon. Mix.

10. Fold into the custard. Combine well and pour on top of the pie.

11. Refrigerate the pie for at least an hour, until it can firm up. Topping with whipped cream is optional. (I prefer without, which my dad considers blasphemous.) Either way, shave/grate some nice chocolate on top before serving. Serve with milk and/or Irish coffee. Enjoy!!
World-famous Black-Bottom Bourbon Pie

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