Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sweet Chili Lime Tofu

This recipe is based on the one from Grumpy's Honeybunch Blog, and it is INCREDIBLE. You try various recipes, you like some better than others, and then every now and then you just go nuts for one: I am crazy for this tofu!! It's super easy, and completely delicious (I have even had success with this among supposed tofu-haters!).

- 3/4 c quinoa (or couscous or rice)
- zest from 1 lime
- 2 bruised cardamom pods (I'll explain "bruised" below)
- pinch of salt
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 1/3 c water

Sweet Chili Lime Sauce
- 3 Tbsp sugar
- 3 Tbsp soy sauce
- juice from 1 lime
- zest from 1/2 lime
- pinch or cayenne pepper
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/4 tsp salt

- 16 oz extra firm tofu
- 3 heads chopped bok choy (or kale)
- 2-3 Tbsp water
- lime slices for garnish
Don't you feel healthy already?!

1. To bruise the cardamom pods, place them on a cutting board and press down with the large flat surface of a knife. Let the pods crack along the sides, but don't press so hard as to open them completely. This is so that the strong cardamom flavor can come out, but doesn't overtake the quinoa's other flavors!

2. Mix the quinoa, lime zest, cardamom pods, salt, cinnamon stick, and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce the heat to low. Cook for 20 mintes then remove from heat. Let steam for 10 minutes. (It's like cooking rice!)
Delicious quinoa mix

3. Cut the tofu into bite-sized pieces. (I cut mine into 36 pieces.) Place the cut pieces uniformly across a cutting board on top of 3 paper towels. Cover them with 3 paper towels and a heavy pan (I use my cast iron saucepan) and let them drain for 5 minutes.
Draining the tofu

4. In a small bowl, mix all the Sweet Chili Lime Sauce ingredients until combined. Set aside.

5. Place the drained tofu onto a hot skillet over medium high heat. I generally place a small bit of oil in the pan to be sure it doesn't stick, but that's not necessary if you're good about checking it. Cook for 6 minutes per side, or until golden brown. Then apply the sauce. Keep the heat on for 30 seconds, then turn it off and let the sauce turn into a reduced glaze.

6. Steam the bok choy with the water in a large saucepan over medium high heat. Steam for 2-3 minutes, until the water evaporates.

7. Place the quinoa under the bok choy under the tofu in a bowl. Garnish with limes. Pairs well with dry white wine, limeade, or a beer (Pilsners and Lagers especially). Enjoy!

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